Lost Pets Of Van Alstyne

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Van Alstyne Husky - photo Keith Laursen - Van Alstyne Realtor
Not Lost But Could Be

Did you know there is a Facebook page dedicated to the lost pets of Van Alstyne?  I was updating the website to include the Georgetown Dogs and was informed of the Lost Pets Of Van Alstyne Facebook page.  With the recent storms there have been some escapees from the Georgetown Heights subdivision when fences blew down.Guess I was right when I said in the 10 things about moving to Van Alstyne that it was windy here.  In any event, add the Lost Pets site to your Facebook friends so we can all help find the missing members of our pet families.

This is just one more example of why the quality of living in Van Alstyne is one of the main attractions. People really care about their neighbors and pets here. They will do whatever it takes to lend a hand when needed.  Visit the Facebook page and consider adding your pet to the list so that if it does get lost there will be a readily available picture. Besides, what pet wouldn’t like to be your friend on Facebook?

It could be Lost Pets Of Van Alstyne, Friends Of The Library, Great Days of Service or strangers stopping to help round-up escaped live stock on a back road. People in Van Alstyne like to stay involved and they like their neighbors to know they will be there for them. If you are moving to Van Alstyne, make sure you check out the lost pets page and other opportunities to be of service.

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This man went all over East and North Texas areas looking for my dream home. He was patient and told me no when it wasn't right.

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