Van Alstyne ISD

The Van Alstyne School District VAISD has over 2000 students as of 2023 and is growing at a rapid rate.   There are currently two (2) elementary schools (Partin & Sanford), one middle, one high school and the VAISD Administration Building all in close proximity off of Hwy 5.  A second Van Alstyne High School will be located off of Cartwright Rd. near Grayson community college to serve the growing area including the new Mantua and other developments.

There are a variety of classes available including some career classes in partnership with the Grayson Community College.  For up to date information on Van Alstyne ISD class schedules, district boundaries, calendar, enrollment and other important information, contact the Van Alstyne ISD,

Be sure to check the boundaries with the ISD when buying a home as they can change rapidly, especially with the rapid growth and there are some quirks.  For example, both ends of Bucksnort Rd. east of town are in Van Alstyne ISD but the middle part of the road is in Whitewright ISD!

Van Alstyne High School sign with regional powerlifting qualifiers.
Don't mess with VAISD Powerlifters!
Van Alstyne High School Panther Pride Banner in the Gazebo
Panther Pride in the Gazebo
Panther Stadium entrance at Van Alstyne High School - Photo
Opened 2008 - Capacity 3500

Van Alstyne ISD Administration
1096 N.Waco
Van Alstyne, Tx 75495

Partin Elementary
201 Newport
Van Alstyne, TX 75495

Van Alstyne Middle School
1314 N. Waco
Van Alstyne,TX 75495

Van Alstyne High School
1722 N. Waco
Van Alstyne,Tx 75495

Sanford Elementary
300 Williams Way
Van Alstyne,TX 75495